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Medium Magazine: Why you need a strong support system to develop resilience

Medium Magazine: Why you need a strong support system to develop resilience

Medium Magazine

Featuring : Suzannah Raff of Cleo+Coco


Every day is another lesson. As a founder there are always so many moving pieces that you are juggling. The best thing is to always trust your instinct. It takes time to build your network and make the necessary connections to help your business.
When I first started out I had a manufacturer who said he could make my deodorants. 100 % natural deodorants are a very tricky product to make — they are what’s called a ‘hot pour’ they have to be poured into the containers as soon as the ingredients are melted at very high temperatures or else it will solidify very fast and it’s almost impossible to melt it down again. At least not a stable formula like ours. He tried to manufacture it in 2 steps, he tried to melt down barrels of solidified deodorant. It took us days to melt the barrels and get them to pour into our containers. It was such a fail. The main takeaway here is to…

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